Hi Friends, You could see some hover effects for social icons in many of websites, which is quite to easy to implement it. Nowadays there is lot of ways to implement it. i am going to show the basic one which is easy for all.
For eg.
Take 2 image icons as you want to make hover effects, I would recommend the images extension to be in png or gif.
I take these images 2 above images.
If it is helpful, update your comments. Thanks for reading my blog.
For eg.
Take 2 image icons as you want to make hover effects, I would recommend the images extension to be in png or gif.
I take these images 2 above images.
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/niyaz.prec" target="_blank"><img src="icon-fb.png" alt="Facebook" onmouseover="this.src='icon-fb-hover.png';" onmouseout="this.src='icon-fb.png';" /></a>
If it is helpful, update your comments. Thanks for reading my blog.
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